is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Shiro Ihara. The manga was serialized in Square Enix's shōnen magazine, ''Gangan Wing''. Square Enix released the manga's four ''tankōbon'' volumes between March 26, 2005 and May 27, 2006. It is licensed in North America by Yen Press, which released the four ''tankōbon'' volumes between November 2007 and November 2008. ==Characters== ; Lapan is a perverted Shinigami, literally translated as "Death God". Lapan is introduced as perverted, initially reading a porn magazine, and is severely disappointed when he must go to the human world as a skeleton as he will not be allowed to 'play' with a young female body like last time. However, due to a mishap, he instead possesses Alice's body instead of a skeleton. Because he broke one of the principal laws of the shinigami realm, that no shinigami may go to the human realm in his/her true form, all of his memories were erased as punishment. ; Alice is a sweet and attractive girl. She is always thinking about the well being of others. However, due to a mishap when Lapan came to the Human Realm, she ended up in the body arranged for him, a skeleton. ; The third son of Tsurukame commercial affairs, he is introduced as a cocky, arrogant and self-centered person. He believed that being a shinigami meant being a god. However, through a turn of events that included Lapan saving him, Ume got in touch with his feminine side, and he developed a deep love for Lapan. ;Yuu Yuu, also transliterated as "You" or "Yoo", is introduced in the start of the manga as Lapan's superior. He is apathetic and seems to enjoy using weapons, such as guns. In a later part of the series, after he is sent after a Shibito known as "Mad Hatter", who has proclaimed himself the "Shibito King", he encounters Lapan, Ume, and a new friend of Lapan's (who, very much like Ume, expresses much attraction toward Lapan, though she is truly a girl, ''un''like Ume) named Somuria. Shortly afterward, the four go on a vacation to a beach and hot spring. When Somuria asks Yuu why he has not changed into a bathing suit, he states that he has no desire to "put on a girl's bathing suit and frolic around." Somuria then feigns being upset and says she had hoped that they could all play and then enjoy some cream anmitsu together, at which Yuu seems quite interested, asking her if anmitsu tastes good. Ume and Lapan then get the idea to use Yuu's desire to try the anmitsu to get him into a (very revealing) bathing suit and flaunt, stating that if he doesn't, he can't have any. This is the only time Yuu shows much emotion (namely embarrassment and desperation). 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Alice on Deadlines」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク